Events - August
1. 76th Independence Day Celebration event at LCWU.
• Date: 14th August 2023
• Location: Iqra Auditorium
• Description: On occasion of the 76th Independence Day of Pakistan
(14 August, 23), the Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. Shagufta Naz is
honoring the services of Lahore College for Women University's alumni
while presenting special shields. The alumni generously donated an
amount of 3.5 million and 7.5 million to their alma mater LCWU.

VC of LCWU graced the 76th Anniversary of Pakistan celebration at LCWU on 14th August 2023, marking the momentous occasion with a cake cutting ceremony. The event, brilliantly arranged by the Department of Pak Studies, was a proud moment, highlighting our commitment to preserving Pakistan's rich heritage and fostering unity among the academic community